Monday, January 24, 2011

The brightness continues

Now the seedlings from Pink Tiger Lily are starting to bloom. They have reverted to a pale orange (a little brighter here than in reality) though outside they were very pale and quite attractive. Also soon arriving are the blooms of Asiatica Tiny Athlete. Too bad the taller plants do not have much strength as there is no wind to move them back and forth and build up the stem cell walls.

I have also begun planting seeds for this springs' new batch of babies. There are many Trumpet types as well as some species. A list will follow.


  1. It's so nice to see lily blooms in winter time. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Thanks. It sure brightens up our home to bring these out when they are starting to bloom. I want to spend more time reading over on your blog so hopefully that will happen sooner than later. I am pretty short on know how and what when it comes to lilies but I am trying to fit them in along with Clematis, Columbine, Daylilies and my Blue Honeysuckles!
