Monday, November 26, 2012

Winter wonder ..........................seedlings!

Well I put up a few trays of seeds on November 12 and left them in the workshop for about a week at 0 - 8 C and they are already shooting up juvenile leaves! All but one tray are my collected seeds and the other is seed of Trumpets I purchased from Diane's Seeds. Now to keep them alive and growing well.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

The season is over - maybe, and it is time for digging!

Well I thought the flowering season was essentially over as we drove out to Honeywood Heritage Nursery 2 weeks ago and took pictures of the last of the season there. To my surprise there were still a couple of plants to bloom here at home. First from Honeywood.     
 Lilium tigrinum var. "Splendens"
 The full planting in this area.
 Lilium tigrinum double
 This is the species planting area.
 Lilium Oriental "Cobra" in pots.
 Lilium "Nova"
 Lilium "Towering Turk", a potential must have.
 Lilium "Skydancer"
 Lilium "Centuria"
 Lilium "Atlas"
 Lilium "Citronella"
There were a few other interesting things to see such as this dwarf apple.

And then there were several rows of a daylily called "Salieri".

So on to my own home lily patch. Well there was nothing going on (not really but it seems like when there are so few in flower. One double tiger is all) until I noticed this week that a small seedling(early winter seed start) of Lilium lankongense was starting to open up. I had not even noticed it had a bud! So thanks to Darm Crook I have seen this one in real life. The different backgrounds and light hilite some of the color but it is a pale mauve to dark pink.

 About a foot tall. What a good start. I hope it can store enough food to grow a good bulb.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Trumpets >-----^/-----(

Wow the trumpets are blooming. Enjoy. These are all seedlings from the same mix. First a few friends! 
I hope I got the numbering right!
Asiatic Dee Fehr
 White Twinkle
 White Tiger
A Tango cross seedling.
Mirek #16
Mirek #19
Mirek #12
Mirek #13
Mirek #14
 Mirek #15
 Mirek #17
 Mirek #18
 Mirek #20
 Mirek #21
 Mirek #1
 Mirek #23
 Mirek #2
 Mirek #3
 Mirek #5
 Mirek #6
 Mirek #8
 Mirek #09
 Mirek #10
 Mirek #11

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Working and playing!

 Today was clean up day and I was going to take a little inventory but got lost in the clean up and did not do a lot of recording. The shots are of seedling lilies which are over summering in pots. I am hoping they grow good bulbs but it has been wet and cool these last days so who knows what might happen. Then there are some random shots of lilies in bloom and I wish I could get some help with identity on some of these. Anyway here they are.
Note the Griesbach tetras in picture 3. The seeds for this batch came from Lily over at The Suburban Gardener.

What this all means is a lot of bulbs to get into the ground this fall!

 Lilium "Sterling Star". Bought the bulb from the Rockwood Gardens Catalogue many years ago. They have long since gone out of business. They were a low price clearing house for small sized bulbs, shrubs, and trees.
 I need to find this bag label as I have forgotten this one. Still a nice lily when the rain has not beat it up!
 This one is so hardy but again no name as the person who gave them to me did not get the name from his father. The color is not nearly as good here as it is in real life.
 A new seedling for which I did not have a tag or lost it en route to the pot originally.
 A few of the trumpet lilies. They are doing so well this year and growing so tall that I really should stake them but I cannot find tall bamboo yet.
One of my lily patches.