Monday, June 27, 2011

Pictures on the Picasa site of my Polish garden friend

There are some wonderful pictures on Miroslaw Zaniewski's Picasa Web album site. Please drop by and check them out and leave him some encouraging words!
Lilium dauricum are still blooming as are the X Hollandicum. I would like an expert to come around and confirm this name.
Trumpet lilies and Asiatics are coming soon.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Lilium dauricum and L. X Holandicum?

While the L. dauricum have been blooming for a few days and more have opened as well, now the next set of plants to open are doing just that. I have been told these are Hollandicum but they do not match anything I have found on the net. They still do a great job. The last two are the Hollandicum plants. I have about 30 of them coming in various places in the yard so should be good color here for a few days in amongst the Columbine and Jacob's Ladder, roses and flaxes.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Early here are the Lilium dauricums

Well I transplanted out of pots into rows in the garden a number of seedlings and clumps from pots. Now the rain came so they should do well. There are a few more to go. Early bloomers are the Lilium dauricums and there is not a lot of variety in this group of seedlings. I am very much looking forward to the next round which will include Asiatics and Trumpets by the looks of the buds. The light was dull and I did not have time to mess with this in a photo editor. Also my camera is just not great any more. Also a number of Lilium Hollandicum (according to a friend) should bloom next week.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Spring things

I bought 2 lilies quite early and potted them up. So now the lilies are blooming in the house.
 They are African Queen and White Twinkle. So nice to have flowers this early. There was a Lilium dauricum opened today in the lily bed so the outdoors is beginning as well.
This is White Twinkle Asiatic

This is African Queen which is a Trumpet Hybrid

Lilium dauricum seedling

A nest of seedlings from Sparra's Nest in Australia. There are 10 or so of these little seed lots. Some have quite a number of plantlets showing and some have only one. My growing technique is still in the learning stages.

I also have a few groups of seedlings from a friend in Poland but they are not planted out yet. More pictures to follow.